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APRIL 2022

Open House, second edition !

Last year we organised a special wedding open day at the end of March at Château Gassies, in a very special covid context. This year we repeated the experience by opening our estate to all those who wished to spend a beautiful day and discover our site, whether they were future brides & grooms or not. This time, there were no gauge, no list, the doors were wide open to all, without restriction! On the weekend of April 2nd and 3rd 2022, we opened our doors to the general public. This was an opportunity for visitors to discover our site, for some brides and grooms to visit it again and for future brides and grooms to discover and discuss with our service providers present for the occasion. More than 25 of our partners were on site to present their offers and share their talent and expertise. Just before the beginning of our intense period, it was a friendly moment of sharing and working all together; a nice way to launch the summer season! It was also in April, on the 6th to be exact, that we celebrated the 3rd anniversary of Château Gassies, a great adventure that has only just begun. After 18 months under the sign of Covid our team is full of projects and is starting this fourth year at your side with enthusiasm and a keen motivation.


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